Menú Principal

Casos especiales

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Perros pequeños

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Perros medianos

Perros grandes

Perros adoptados

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Si ya disfrutas de uno o varios animales en casa, o por tu situación no puedes acoger uno, tu opción es el apadrinamiento.

El coste mensual es de 10 euros, a cambio recibirás una foto del perro, y periódicamente todas las noticias relacionadas con él. Puertas abiertas de la protectora para visitar al animal.

Te proponemos un reto, ¿Por qué no puedes ser tú mismo quien le busque un nuevo hogar? Así te asegurarás que está en buenas manos.

Si necesitas más información o quieres darte de alta como padrin@, escríbenos a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   y nos pondremos en contacto contigo.




If you already have too many  animals or cannot adopt any because of your living circumstances ,  you have the option to sponsor one of our lovely  dogs.


The monthly cost is 10 Euros  and in return you'll receive a photo of your four- legged friend and periodical updates about him or her . And of course, you'll be able to visit your chosen one at the dog shelter at any time during opening hours to see how he or she is getting on.


And, if you fancy a challenge, you can personally get involved in finding a loving forever home for your chosen dog . This  way, you can makes sure he or she will be in safe hands.


If you need more information or if you'd like to become a sponsor, write to Pamela Joy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and we'll get to you as soon as we can

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